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Interview with a veteran blogger

Writer's picture: Imola KoósImola Koós

My first ever blogger acquaintance (an may I say inspiration) was my high school desk mate and very good friend, Zsuzsanna Magyari.

Now if you don't know who she is, she's basically one of the most well-read person I know, studying Programming at the University of Babes-Bolyai (once a Bolyais, always a Bolyais). I remember she had (and still has) this very minimalistic blog called Her Little Promises and it's about lifestyle and fashion topics. She used to write on this blog while also collaborating with Uptostyle, a fashion themed magazine. Fun fact: we even went out to take some photos for the blog couple of times. Zsuzsi is a very interesting personality full of baby pink cupcakes (her favorite being @thegoodadvicecupcake) and unbelievable handwriting (a quality mentioned a lot by our teachers). Our friendship goes way back and now the time finally arrived that I show her some deep interest in her blogging carrier.

I: You started Her Little Promises back in 2015. What was the premise of it? What did you intend the posts to be about? What inspired you to start a blog?

Zs: I don't know why but from a young age I wanted to have a blog. I was 10 when I virtually started a webpage that was all about dogs. Then I had a few more attempts because I was determined to have my own little platform, but my initial enthusiasm didn't last long. When choosing the name for my current blog I tried to suggest what it'll be about: promises made for myself. And by this, I mean little things in my everyday life that might stand out in any way.

I: What's one thing you do differently nowadays than you did when you started out?

Zs: I intend to see the page as a bigger picture when planning and organizing future blog content, concepts. I would love it to be as cohesive as possible.

I: Which aspect did you enjoy more, photography or writing?

Zs: I prefer photography to writing because it's the most creative part of the content creation process.

I: Do you plan on using your IT knowledge in updating to a non-blogspot based blog eventually?

Zs: I was pondering over planning out my own layout (maybe a whole website?), but I'd need to invest a lot of time and effort in such a personal project. So, this is something that remains to be seen.

I: Do you have a favorite post?

Zs: I couldn't possibly choose a single piece, but I sure enjoyed writing my traveling posts. There was something amazing about reliving old memories by sharing them on my blog.

I:You used to write in both English and Hungarian (which for a hot moment got me thinking I should do the same but then I realized I'm way too lazy for that). Which audience was bigger, the Hungarian or the international one?

Zs: As you may guess the international audience was bigger. This is why people usually favour English. Hence, at first, I was hesitant as well about putting double work into a single blogpost, but the feedbacks changed my mind for the better.

I: I remember you wouldn't want some people finding out about the platform, why was that?

Zs: The reason behind not oversharing my blog is that I had this feeling that something was missing, it wasn't me and wasn't original. I didn't want to talk big about something I didn't feel 100% sure about.

I: Is there anything you would like to say for the starting out bloggers?

Zs: Finding your own voice and style is very important when there are zillion webpages out there. Take a break if necessary so as to think about what you really would like to do and how would you be able to incorporate your aesthetic into your blog. Just be yourself.

Well, that's it for our interview today. I'm thankful for Zsuzsi for answering my questions and for being the great long distance friend she is.

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