With days being shorter and nights being so much longer, our does of sunshine is very limited. Our vitamin D is so important that without it we feel drooled and exhausted. So taking care of ourselves for the sake of a better mood is more important than ever.
Selfcare is important. You can never be to busy to forget to be thankful for what your body and mind does and pamper it from time to time. I collected some of my all time favorite selfcare activities and I challenge you to try out at least one and maybe even let me know in the comment section how it worked out for you. Without further ado, let's jump to the list!
Skin care is important, like I can't stress this enough. Even if you have the perfect skin care routine with cleansers, toners, moisturizers and a bunch of God-knows-what-they-do serums, your skin still needs a little extra love occasionally. I like to apply masks 2-3 times a week, and they can vary, I'm sure everybody can find something they like. There are creams, peel-offs, sheet masks and they come in all kind of essences for every kind of skin type. Happy skin=happy feel in within.
2.Taking baths
I genuinely love to take baths, it's so calming. I get it, sometimes there's just no time to have a one hour long doing nothing session, but if there's a time, why not use all the benefits that come with taking a hot bath and maybe even throw in a bath bomb or some sort of bubbly soap with an amazing scent. The sleep after it? The best.
As I mentioned sleeping, I instantly reminded myself how important sleep is for selfcare. With internet and pointless scrolling on instagram around our sleeping hours are becoming almost nonexistent or our sleep schedule becomes so chaotic we might even skip on the daylight (which is also really important, go get that vitamin D).
Sleeping is great. While sleeping, you don't feel guilty about not doing anything productive, because what you're doing is already productive enough. It's not wasting time, it's appreciating your body and letting it grow.
Selfcare is not just face masks and bubbles, it's also taking the responsibility for your body and helping it function. While playing videogames in the day and drinking booze in the night is enjoyable in the short term, it cause so much trouble in the long run. Mentioning running, I find it almost therapeutic. You run and after a while your mind becomes calm. It's called active meditation.
I feel like almost everybody tried out meditation at this point. There are many types and misconceptions. Also, not every type of meditation will work for everyone, so we tend to give up and not just because we didn't find our type of meditation but because our mind is so used to be distracted all the time by the social media, electronics, ads and every other colorful stuff that it finds irritating and unbearable looking at one spot and emptying the mind. Let's face it: our mind is the trash bin of the capitalist society, it's not used to be still. That's what you can change. It must not be faux help if people are practicing it for centuries. I tried out the mindfulness meditation and while I was practicing it I became more productive, less caring (in the meaning of overthinking every little thing) and just overall more happy. Try it for a week or two, it won't hurt.
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